Among her many qualities as an inspired teacher of dance, Jackie brings an unerring eye, and a deep belief in each human being's potential for dance.
—Joyce Armstrong Cadle - Jackie’s first ballet teacher |
Children, Bodywork and MovementWorking with a child is one of the most satisfying and rewarding honors Jackie knows, whether it’s using Pediatric CranioSacral Therapy with an infant, moving with a toddler with developmental problems, training a young beginning dance student who dances for joy - or working with the serious pre-teen who plans to become a professional dancer.
Working with small children is a creative adventure. What is most important to the child is what he/she feels internally. Jackie’s responsibility in movement and body work is “to help your child integrate more completely into this world.” CranioSacral Therapy for Newborns, Infants and Children A newborn’s skull is very flexible compared to that of an adult. Mostly fluid, newborns incur steady growth and change as soft tissues and membranes are replaced by bone and as bone pieces fuse into the skull. The gradual developmental stages of cranial bone growth are taken into consideration with age-appropriate modifications to CST. CST allows the newborn to immediately dispel birth trauma and eradicates possible later-occurring problems stemming from birth. Children have been successfully treated with CST as early as 3 weeks after birth to overcome latching, suck issues and incessant crying. It has been shown that many problems can be countered by CST if children with Learning Disorders are treated early, before age 10. Developmental Movement for Young Movers Sometimes a pattern is missed or not integrated well as reflexes develop into movement patterns. These patterns are the basis for upright movement. Developmental movement sessions allow for full integration of reflex patterns and assures you that your child is fully developing his/her movement potential. Jackie’s sessions and classes can provide a wonderful bonding time for you and your child. Dance, sports or any movement classes for children are the best way to integrate their movement patterns into our too sedentary lifestyle. Creative Movement classes respect and nourish your young child’s artistic creativity. For the child or pre-teen who knows that dance is his/her life, Jackie offers quality movement sessions and classes. She specialize in re-patterning if injury has occurred from movement training. Re-patterning allows for stabilization and safe anatomical movement. Dance classes are fun, yet proper technique is emphasized. Pointe work for ballet students is encouraged only when a student is physically ready. Workshops & Classes